"And it is He who gives LIFE and causes DEATH, and in His control is the alteration of NIGHT and DAY. Will you not then Understand?" The Quran 23:80 | "He created you from a single soul, and from that soul He created his mate that he might dwell in serenity with her" The Quran 07:189 | "Seek Allah’s help with patient perseverance and prayer; it is indeed hard, except for those who are humble. Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord and that they are to return to Him." Sura Al-Baqarah Ayat no 45,46 | Hazrat Ayesha narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said: "for everyone there is some pride that they boast of:the pride of my Ummat is Al-Quran" | Abu Zarr Ghiffari narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said:you cannot get closer to Allah through anything except with what has come out of Himself i.e QURAN(MUSTADIRK I HAAKIM) | Omer narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said:Allah elevates many people by this Quran and degrades many through it(i.e those who acts accordingly are honored and those who ignore are debased).(SAHEE MUSLIM)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rewards for Parents whose Children Memorize Quran

Rewards for Parents whose Children Memorize Quran

The parents of the child who strives to memorize Quran also receive abundant amounts of rewards and blessings from Allah.
Out of many mentioned in Quran and Sahih Hadith, some are listed below:
You will be given two garments to wear on the Day of Judgement
The prophet (phuh) said,” Whoever recites the Quran, learns it and acts according to it will be given a crown of light to wear on the Day of Judgement whose light will be like the sun. His parents will be clothed in two garments that did not exist in this worldly life.
So they will say, what has caused us to be clothed (in these garments)?’ It will be said “Your child taking hold of the Quran has caused this.”(Al Hakim graded it authentic and Ath Thahabe agreed with him)
You will get the reward of guiding to something good (memorize Quran)
The prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever guides to something good is like the one who does it.”(Sahih Muslim)
You will get continuous reward for instilling Islam in their hearts
You will get the continuous reward of instilling Islam in their hearts, the love of this religion and the Book of Allah.
The prophet (pbuh) said,” Whoever invites to guidance will receive the reward like the rewards of those who follow him and that will not diminish from their rewards…”(Sahih Muslim)
The establishment of the signs of Islam and its ways (Sunnah) among your family, your neighbors and your acquaintances
For indeed some people follow others. The Prophet (pbuh) said,” Whoever initiates a good action in Islam, then he will have the reward of it and the reward of whoever acts ti it after him…”
Your child growing up upon goodness and righteousness so that he will be a stored means of blessing for you after your death
For indeed the prophet stipulated righteousness in the child (for the parent to receive blessings from him).
He said (pbuh), “When the son of Adam dies his deeds are cut off except for from three things.” From those three things mentioned, “Or a righteous child who supplicates for him.”(Muslim)
Keep your child away from the areas of evil temptations and doubts and protecting him from the Hell fire
Allah says, “Oh you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from  fire whose fuel is mankind and stones,”(Qur’an 66:6)
You will be pleased with them
You will be pleased to see your sons and daughters memorize Quran and this automatically gives you peace of heart. They will be concerned about which verse they have read up to.
In this way they will grow up upon the paths of goodness, far from deviation and that which leads to it. This is a great blessing.
Great reward for good upbringing of children
The great reward that you will get from Allah for being patient with good upbringing and rearing of our child. Allah says, “And those who strive hard in Us (in our cause), We will surely guide them to our path.”(Qur’an 29:69)
Being absolved of the sin of being lax with rearing children
The prophet (pbuh) said “All of you are guardians and all of you will be questioned concerning those under his guardianship and the man is the guardian over his family, and he will be questioned concerning those under his guardianship…”(Al Bukhari and Muslim)
Helping in preserving Quran by making your children memorize Quran
Benefiting the Ummah (Muslim nation) and taking part in producing a righteous nation that will preserve the Book of Allah. This will make them righteous and they will make others righteous as well.
Therefore, O parents! if you have been avoiding to put your child in Islamic circles to learn Quran or if you were ignorant about the rewards for making your child memorize Quran, then this is the right moment to re-think and re-plan your steps.
Do not prevent your sons and daughters from going to the Quran memorization and recitation circles.
Strive to make it a share for yourself in the good deeds by supporting the blessed circles and schools for making both adults and children memorize Quran.


Author & Editor


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