"And it is He who gives LIFE and causes DEATH, and in His control is the alteration of NIGHT and DAY. Will you not then Understand?" The Quran 23:80 | "He created you from a single soul, and from that soul He created his mate that he might dwell in serenity with her" The Quran 07:189 | "Seek Allah’s help with patient perseverance and prayer; it is indeed hard, except for those who are humble. Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord and that they are to return to Him." Sura Al-Baqarah Ayat no 45,46 | Hazrat Ayesha narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said: "for everyone there is some pride that they boast of:the pride of my Ummat is Al-Quran" | Abu Zarr Ghiffari narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said:you cannot get closer to Allah through anything except with what has come out of Himself i.e QURAN(MUSTADIRK I HAAKIM) | Omer narrated that Prophet(SAWW) said:Allah elevates many people by this Quran and degrades many through it(i.e those who acts accordingly are honored and those who ignore are debased).(SAHEE MUSLIM)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wudu (Ablution)

Wudu (Ablution )
Q. What is wudu ?                        
A. Wudu is a special way of washing exposed parts of the person. When one intends to perform wudu for namaz, etc., he should, with clean water, first wash his hands up to the wrists, then gargle thrice and clean the teeth with a miswak or brush or with the fingers. Then put water in the nose and clean it with the left hand. Then wash face three times. Then wash both the hands up to the elbows and observe masah of head and the ears. Then wash both the feet up to the ankles. You have already read the complete method of wudu in taleem-ul-islam’s first part.
Q. Are all these things necessary to perform wudu ?
A. There are certain things that are necessary and without them qudu will not be complete. These are called fard there are other things which may be left out and the wudu will be complete, though it will be naqis (improper). They are called sunnat. There are certain other things which bring more blessings of god or thawab but if left out, do not make much difference. These things are called mustahab (recommended as desirable).
Wudu (Ablution)_alhassanacademy.blogspot.comQ. How many things are fard in wudu ?
A. There are four things fard in wudu; (1) washing the face one time from the forehead to the lower portion of the chin and from one ear to the other; (2) washing of both the arms up to the elbowsone time; (3) doing masah, covering at least quarter of the head; (4) washing of both the feet up to ankles once.
Q. How many things are sunnat in wudu ?
A. Eight things break the wudu. They are called nawaqis (breakers) of wudu: (1) discharging urine or stool, or coming out of anything from the mentioned parts; (2) discharge of gases; (3) flowing of blood or pus out of any part of the body; (4) vomiting in mouthful; (5) to sleep lying down or by resting the body against something; (6) to faint due to some illness or by any other reason; (7) becoming insane or going mad. (8) laughter in namaz also breaks qudu.
Q. What is mustahab in wudu ?
A. Six main things are mustahab in wudu : (1) to begin with from the right (many learned ‘ulamas (theologians) consider this as sunnat. (this may be taken to be their strong opinion); (2) masah of the nape; (3) doing everything by himself personally without taking others’ help; (4) to face qibla; (5) to do wudu at clean and elevated place,6)to wash foot from left hand.
Q. How many things are makruh (obnoxious) in wudu ?
A. SIX things are makruh in wudu : (1) doing wudu at a dirty place; (2) cleaning the nose with the right hand; (3) talking of worldly affairs while doing wudu and (4) doing wudu in a way which is against sunnat,5To waste alot or use very less water so ca,nt perform proper wadu 6)Zoar say chapkey marna(urdu)
Q. How many things break the wudu ?
A. Eight things break the wudu. They are called nawagis (breakers) of wudu: (1) discharging urine or stool, or coming out of anything from the mentioned parts; (2) discharge of gases; (3) flowing of blood or pus out of anything part of the body; (4) vomiting in mouthful; (5) to sleep lying down or by resting the body against something; (6) to faint due to some illness or by any other reason; (7) becoming insane or going mad. (8) laughter in namaz also breaks wudu.
Q. How to do wudu?
A. Sit at a high place. Take clean water in a clean pot. It is better to face qibla. If there is no chance for it, there is no harm. Roll up your sleeves up to your elbows then recite bismillah and wash both the hands up to wrists three times. Then gargle three times and brush your teeth. If you do not have a brush or miswak, rub yur teeth by your fingers. Then put water into your nostrils three times and clean them by your left little finger, then wash your face three times.
Do not splash water on your face with force; but run water on forehead softly and wash from the forehead down to the chin and on the either side of the face up to the ears. Then wash right hand including the elbow three times, then wash the left hand in the same way. Then wet your hands and pass them over the head, ears and the neck. It is called masah. Masah should be done on each part only once. Then wash each foot three times up to the ankle, first the right foot, then the left.


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